Parsi Zoroastrian Trust Invites applications for Scholarships from Parsi / Irani Zoroastrians who have obtained admission to a recognised institution in India to pursue Post Graduate studies in Avesta Pahelvi, Medicine, Law, Management, Science or the humanities.
The Trust proposes to provide two scholarships annually of upto Rupees One Lac each to the selected candidates. The grant may be extended for an additional period, based on performance.
Applicants may send their curriculum vitae, detailing their previous academic record, family details and aspirations to Box. No. 195 Jam-e-Jamshed Communications Pvt. Ltd., Hasanali House, 1st Floor, 23/33, Jijibhai Dadabhai Lane, Fort Mumbai- 400001.
Applications must be received by June 30, 2013. At this stage, no supporting documents or copies of certificates are required. These will be sought from aspirants at the interview stage. Other things remaining equal, preference will be given to children of practising priests.